Thrive Relationship Coaching

Posts Tagged ‘Intention

Whenever I remember, I set an intention for all my learning to be friendly.   May I be open to life’s feedback when it is a soft touch or a gentle nudge as opposed to needing to be hit with a metaphorical sledgehammer before I finally get what is going on right in front of me and right within me.   May I be willing to face the truth of what I am creating in my life while it is still a tiny champagne bubble and not a tsunami like disaster.  My intention is to meet life moment to moment with an openness for learning whatever I most need to learn with nonjudgmental loving presence. And to have fun while learning.

I invite you to set an intention for all your learning to be friendly, too.  Try it and see if you can feel your heart be even more open and loving to all the feedback that comes your way.

There’s a wonderful gift that New Year’s brings, that sense of a fresh start, an opportunity for new beginnings.  It is invigorating and hopeful and exciting.  But after the celebrating and toasting and appreciating, the sneaky underbelly of the New Year exposes it’s dark side.

The dark side is the New Year that not always so gently reminds, urges, cajoles and shames  us into setting resolutions to change  all the things we don’t like about ourselves.  Or at least one or two of them.

Can you feel the hands on the small of your back pushing you forward as you flail your arms and drag your heels?

Can you hear your inner voice “shoulding” you into setting particular intentions that are “GOOD FOR YOU”?

Yuck!  No wonder so many good intentions to make changes in our lives fail after a short time.

These are intentions that come from somewhere outside of you, from the myriad of influences that have taught you how you “should” be.  They’re actually not YOUR intentions, they’re someone else’s that you have inadvertently taken on.

Intention is “a willingness to have a certain experience”.  Intention is an “aim that guides your choices”.

How do you know what experience YOU really want to have?

How do you know you are aiming towards what YOU really want?

Here’s some hints about setting intentions that are really your own and that you really want to experience:

If the intention you set feels like a “should” or a “need to” instead of a “want to”, it’s not really yours.

If you notice a pushing or a pulling feeling in your body when you think of the intention instead of an energizing and exciting and at the same time deeply resonating and grounding feeling, it may be too much, too fast or not really yours.

If you notice a sense of dread, of having to gear up, get ready, this is going to be really hard, holding your breath kind of attitude towards the intention then maybe it’s too much, too fast or not really yours.

Is it possible to make changes in your life without forcing yourself?

How about an intention for all your intentions to be truly your own, set with love for yourself with awareness and honoring of your own pace?  Are you willing to have that experience?

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